Swan Hill Incorporated Voluntary Membership.

It is important to note that voluntary membership is an annual subscription and will be admitted as the following:

1. Businesses located in Victoria 
(a) Businesses operating as sole traders, partnerships or corporations with no employees, a fee of $150.00
     (b)  Businesses employing less than 5 employees, a fee of $250.00
     (c)  Businesses employing 5 or more employees, a fee of $300.00
2. Businesses located in New South Wales operating from business premises. 
     (a)  For Businesses whose property unimproved land value is less than $50,000.00 the subscription fee shall be equal to 1.5% of the unimproved value,
     (b)   For Businesses whose property unimproved land value is more than $50,000.00 the subscription shall be equal to 3% of the unimproved value to the maximum of $5000.00

If you are a Victorian business please select on of the three products below, if you are a NSW based Business please fill out the form below and Swan Hill Incorporated will contact you to discuss your membership fee.


NSW Voluntary Membership Form