Strategic plans

Here is a selection of key plans from Swan Hill Incorporated and the Swan Hill Rural City Council.

Swan Hill Incorporated Plans

Strategic Plan 2019-2022

Swan Hill Incorporated is responsible for developing a coordinated strategic plan and marketing strategy funded by a Special Marketing Rate

Marketing Plan

Swan Hill Incorporated has developed this annual marketing plan and budget to deliver a comprehensive set of priorities and actions for the organisation over the next 12 months.  The function of the marketing plan is to deliver outcomes from the strategies documented in the strategic plan. It includes a tactical plan outlining the key initiatives, activities and timings.


Swan Hill Incorporated has created this annual communications plan which is submitted to Council with our Strategic Plan and our annual Marketing and Budget Plan

Overview of Swan Hill Inc.

Swan Hill Incorporated is the local industry body representing tourism and commerce in the Swan Hill region.  

Swan Hill Rural City Council strategies

Economic Development Strategy

Swan Hill Region Economic Development Strategy 2017-2022 provides strategic direction for economic growth in the Swan Hill municipality over a five-year period and beyond. It aims to build on the region’s strengths, capture new opportunities and address challenges to make the region a highly desirable place to invest, live, work and visit.

Investment Attraction Plan

This new strategy provide a framework for the assessment of assistance and/or financial incentives applicable to either new business investment or the significant expansion of existing business in the Rural City of Swan Hill.

Swan Hill Retail Strategy

The retail industry is an integral part of the Swan Hill regional economy in that it generates significant employment opportunities, attracts investment to the region, supports the local tourism industry, supports the overall function of the Swan Hill CBD and other town centres, and provides essential services and merchandise for local residents and businesses.

Visit the Swan Hill Rural City Council’s Plans & Strategies page.